ZM-Grow™ Compatibility Chart & Labels

An example of a farm sprayer filter blockage after using incompatible product with crop protection. ZM-Grow has exceptional tank mix compatibility compared to Oxide, Carbonate and Chelate suspensions.

The jar on the far left shows how clean ZM-Grow is compared to Carbonate, Oxide and Chelate suspensions on the left. Follow the jar test steps and check the charts below.
ZM-Grow™ is compatible with most products. Always do a jar compatibility test before use and check here to see all necessary precautions you may need to make. The mixture can easily be sprayed with a standard crop sprayer.
JAR TEST EXAMPLE - Based on spraying with 200 Lt/Ha water
To Test One Litre:
1) Add 1000ml water to a clean container
2) Add chemical product 5ml [Based on 1 Lt/Ha application rate]
3) Shake container
4) Add 15ml ZM-Grow [based on 3 Lt/Ha application rate]
5) Shake and observe