Badger Consultants is working hand in hand with the Finnish company TRACEGROW to bring new, innovative, environmental micronutrient products to the UK market. Badger Consultants a distributor for the UK and Ireland contact us for sales and ordering. ZM-Grow™ is the worlds most ecological Zinc, Manganese and Sulphur based micronutrient product made from used alkaline batteries. Learn more here about our companies and the services we provide.

Tracegrow is a Finnish Cleantech company operating in the circular economy. We provide a solution to two global ecological challenges, the first is the reuse of trace elements in used alkaline batteries and the second is nourishing farmlands suffering from micronutrient deficiency.
Tracegrow is the only company in the world that has developed an innovative technology to extract, purify and reuse the vital trace elements from alkaline batteries and circulate them safely back into nature as the world's most ecological Zinc, Manganese and Sulphur based micronutrient product for farming. Using new technology that we have developed, up to 80% of the trace elements in alkaline batteries can be reused. Our technology is the most efficient reprocessing method for alkaline batteries in the world.
The man behind Badger Consultants, David Harrod, is a seasoned veteran of the fertiliser industry. He started at J&H Bunn, Great Yarmouth at an early age going on to be joint managing director when the company sold in 2011. David went on to work for Koch Industries until 2017 when the business was sold again. David is now Commercial Director for Payne Crop Nutrition in Fakenham a bespoke fertiliser blending business that he started along with three other colleagues. He is also shareholder in Brineflow, a liquid fertiliser company in Great Yarmouth. David works as a private agricultural consultant around the world where he shares his valuable knowledge and advice.